Friday, December 10, 2010


In these all of my previous postings, I have always tried to show how the universal truths that humanity holds within its own imagination.  There is one aspect of humanity that I have not yet touched upon, which is our ability to make war.  All other animals on this planet fight and kill one another, but humanity is the only ones who can have wars.  One could even say that war is something that is uniquely human.  But what will those battles be like in the future?  Humanity has already seen some horrendous examples of battles and warfare, will the future hold more atrocities or will it hold hope?  I once heard that as long as mankind exists, there will always be battles. 

The weapons mankind uses in warfare change throughout the years as technology evolves.  In fact usually the first technology to change from new innovations are weapons of war.  From fire, to rocks, to metal, to gunpowder, to rockets, technology evolves and the tools of war evolve with it.  So what will the tools of war look like in the future?  Will we have laser guns, battle suits, space ships?  The real question though is will we have dooms day bombs.  Right now our most powerful nuclear weapons can destroy entire cities and irradiate the populations for miles around.  If technology evolves our most devastating devices isn’t it possible to have a weapon that in a single instant could destroy an entire planet? 

Already, technology has reached a whole other realm than what we are used to, weapons in outer space.  Recent advancements in rocket and satellite technology have opened another possible theater of warfare. The deployment of weapons in space has become more and more likely with each passing year.  While currently no nations have any weapons platforms in orbit, experts agree that several countries currently have the resources and the understanding to make these Science Fiction battlefields a reality. 

There are those who would say that space battles and laser guns are only in Science Fiction and that no one would actually create weapons like those.  But if you look back in history there was a time that people said man would never be able to fly.  And no most of our military forces have to do with aircraft, either as transport or as fighters.  If there is one thing that history and Science Fiction has taught us, it is that never say anything is impossible.

Militarizing space.  (2009, December 4).  Issues and Controversies on File.  Retrieved
December 9, 2009, from Issues & Controversies Database.

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