Thursday, December 16, 2010


When I first heard that we were doing a blog project for English class I was really upset.  I thought that having to keep track of a blog was going to be really lame and something I really didn’t want to do.  But then as I learned more about it, I realized that having a blog about whatever topic you wanted was actually a pretty good idea. 

A big improvement on the blog from traditional research papers is that for one, we get to choose our topics from anything.  While usually in English class you get a topic to write on, or at least guidelines for what topics are acceptable, in this class we were able to choose from anything we wanted to write about.  Also the blog format made writing a lot easier.  Instead of having length or word requirements, forcing us to use big words and trying to squeeze every possible piece of information out of something to fill a page, writing the blog made my writing a lot more free and accessible.  I could just write whatever I wanted for how long and proper I wanted it to be.  That freedom really increased the pleasure in writing for English class.

The visual rhetoric was another interesting piece of this English class.  I had looked at political cartoons and advertisements before to see what they were trying to say to the public.  But I had never looked at just regular pictures before to try and decipher their pathos, logos, and ethos.  It was a real interesting aspect that after I was done, was really glad to have done that.

This is without a doubt one of the best English classes I have ever had.  I’m even thinking about continuing my blog after this class is over.  I probably won’t do research for it any more, but it felt good to write out some of my ideas for it. 

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