Friday, November 19, 2010


There has always been a single theme that has gone hand in hand with Science Fiction since the very beginning.  In ninety percent of Science Fiction, there are always aliens.  There seem to be hundreds of aliens and thousands of planets, and each movie, show, or book has their own special idea on what our galactic brothers and sisters are like.  What do they look like, what is their culture like, do they even exist?  Maybe they are giant creatures covered in fur like Chewbacca, or maybe they are short little grey creatures who have a soft spot for Reese’s Pieces, like in E.T.?  Will they be friendly towards humanity like the Vulcans from Star Trek, or will they attempt to exterminate the human species like in Independence Day?  It is impossible to say, but the real question is are they even out there?  That’s a question for the people at the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence or SETI for short (Triplett). 

William Triplett explains in his article how the search for both microbiological and intelligent life forms distant to our planet is proceeding.  With the help of both SETI and NASA, we are finding out more and more about our own galaxy, and most notably about our closest neighbor, Mars.  Through looking at the natural formation of Martian rocks scientist have confirmed that there was at one time abundant water on Mars (Triplett).  With a moist planet, it is likely that at one time Mars had an atmosphere, which once might have had the possibility to sustain life depending on the alien organism.  But without knowing the exact biological needs of a certain organism it is impossible to say what kinds of planets can and cannot support life.  Perhaps there are species out there that don’t even need an atmosphere; perhaps they can live in the cold vacuum of space.   A statistic in the article points out that even if one out of every billion star systems contained intelligent life, there would still be over one hundred intelligent life forms in our galaxy alone.  So with the hope of someday experiencing first contact with an alien life form, the people at SET, NASA, and the occasional UFO fanatic, will keep their eyes to the night sky. 

What will first contact be like?  Will we find them, or will they find us?  I guess it depends on how far into the future we meet them.  In the film ‘Signs’ the little boy Morgan explains that if an alien intelligence were to come all the way to Earth in person, there can only be two explanations.  One, they are peaceful explorers who wish to increase their collective knowledge and understanding of the universe; or two, they are hostile and have come to use our planet for their own purposes.  While the first option is preferable, which do you believe to be more plausible?  There is a good line in the new science fiction action movie ‘Sky Line’ in which a news reporter is saying how if aliens made first contact with us it would be similar to when Columbus first discovered the Americas, in other words, it didn’t turn out too well for the Native Americans.  I believe that in this present time, if a hostile alien force did come to Earth, humanity would not be able to defend from a more technologically advanced force.  However, I have a feeling that an advanced alien society would not use their technology to travel across the galaxy just to pick a fight with some biped race with a dying planet. 

Triplett, W. (2004). The search for extraterrestrials. CQ Research Online, 14(9),
Retrieved from CQ Research Database.

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